Before going away on a business trip my loving husband decided to keep me busy and hid a few chocolate eggs around the apartment. Now, let me tell you, there aren’t many places you can hide stuff at home, or so I thought.
He said he would give me a clue each day and the room it was hidden in. However, today is day 2 and I found all the eggs and I have consummated almost all of them J As ingenious as my hubby is I just couldn’t wait and rummaged through the apartment a few times to find 60% of the hidden eggs. However, I needed the last two clues to find the eggs, as he had outdone himself hiding them.
Let me leave you with this mental image: a chocolate hungry woman rummaging through the wardrobe, getting under the bed and going through the kitchen units and even through the empty gym bag (I though I had hit the jackpot there, but it turned out to be a forgotten energy bar). I hope there is no hidden camera…