Monday, February 10, 2025


I have long found a haven in books. I distinctly remember the first book I couldn't put down and binged in a day at the age of eleven. It has been a life-long love.

Romance books have always been there at the top of my list and, naturally, a few years ago I veered towards a genre called romantasy (I only recently learned what it's called). Or elf smut. Or fairy smut. Whatever. 

It was only a couple of days ago that I came upon the Best. Review. Ever. by a husband about his wife's obsession with a new romantasy series. I think it summarizes the whole process in a concise, yet angry way. 

And to all my sisters-in-smut out there: if it makes you smile and oooh and aaaah - you are doing it right!

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Know what you're good at

Here are some of the things I excel at (in no particular order):

  • Meeting someone and immediately forgetting their name and face. Gets awkward when we meet again.
  • Thinking I don't own any shoes, but in fact have about 10 pairs (7 of which are high-heeled and sparkly)
  • Planning and organizing. 
  • Scrabble.
  • Shouting (mostly at the kids).
  • Picking up stuff after everyone (normal mummy/wife superpower).
  • Overthinking.
  • Occasional procrastination.
  • On and Off Complaining. Even though I can definitely get better at this one, there is room to grow there.
To be continued... (I excel at a lot of things!)