Friday, August 2, 2024

Hot Weather Effect

 I experienced an unexpected side effect of the hot weather. My kids are screamers. Who knew.

Well, I knew, of course, but I mean as in them running around and screaming.

Let me explain.

Because of the hot weather we started sleeping with our doors open. A very risky move, I agree. But necessary in this weather.

Which leads to my earlier statement about the kids being screamers. As in screaming in their sleep. I was jolted from my sleep in the middle of the night by one of the kids shouting at someone for a few seconds before silence descended again. Unfortunately, my heart would not calm down for a while.

I finally managed to doze off again only to be awaken at around 6 am by the other one talking loudly in their sleep, explaining to someone how misunderstood they were in this life. Funny, I know.

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